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[hide]Human-Robot Interaction and Robot Intelligence (H-RI & RI) Group
The Human-Robot Interaction(HRI) and Robot Intelligence(RI) Group, as a part of Robotics and Media Institute in KIST, is one of the most active research units for intelligent robots in Korea. HRI and robot intelligence are the multidisciplinary fields with contributions from human–computer interaction, artificial intelligence, robotics, natural language understanding, design, medical and social sciences. Our group is mainly interested in the following research areas:
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Visual Perception for Robot (Object Recognition, Tracking, Behavior Analysis)
- Robot Audition (Sound Localization, Sound Classification)
- Human Motion and Analysis for Humanoid Robots
- Social Robotics
- Robot Intelligence
- Vision-based Semantic Navigation
- Vision-based Manipulation with Affordance Concept
- Multi-agent Robots (AV-fusion based Leader-Fallowing)
- Intelligent S/W Architecture and Learning for Robot Intelligence
- Rehabilitation/Assist Robots with Social Cognition.
The HRI and RI Group aims to develop the fundamental technologies on the above areas and tries to make them useful in many practical applications, not only robotics fields but other industries. As recent applications, our group have developed a socially assistive robotic companion to help some autistic children and have been also developing a life-care robot to monitor and socially assist dementia patients.
In all the HRI and robot intelligence areas, the HRI and RI Group can be a direct contact point for the related companies, and offer a lot of technological know-hows and a broad variety of experts as well as the latest technologies required to help them achieve their goals. The group is trying to provide applied R&Ds in almost all HRI and RI sectors for a broad range of robotic industries.
- KISTEP-초청 수요포럼, "인공지능이 열어갈 기술 혁명의 시대" 2016-06-01
- 한국경제신문, "로봇박사,...벽 허물고 연구하는 치매사냥꾼들" 2016-05-30
- 전자신문, "치매융합연구단, KIST 현판식 개최" 2016-05-18
Current Projects
- Life-Care Robot for Demented People (2015 - )
- Who-What-Where for HRI (2013 - )
- Behavior Analysis for Surveillance (2011 - )
- Intelligent S/W Architecture for Service Robots (2015 - )
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Recent Publications
- SS Yun, H Kim, JS Choi, Sung-Kee Park, "A robot-assisted behavioral intervention system for children with autism spectrum disorders," Robotics and Automation System, vol. 76, pp.58-67, 2016.
- Y Chen, Y Ma, DH Kim, Sung-Kee Park,"Region-Based Object Recognition by Color Segmentation Using a Simplified PCNN," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 26(8), pp.1682-1697, 2015.
- RK Ala, DH Kim, SY Shin, CH Kim, Sung-Kee Park, "A 3D-grasp synthesis algorithm to grasp unknown objects based on graspable boundary and convex segments," Information Sciences, vol.295, pp.91-106, 2015.
- S Park, Sung-Kee Park, M Hebert, "Fast and scalable approximate spectral matching for higher order graph matching," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 36 (3), pp.479-492, 2014.
Recruiting (신규 연구원 모집)
- 석사급 위촉연구원, 박사후 과정 연구원분을 항상 초빙합니다!!! (로봇지능 및 컴퓨터비전 분야, 연락처 : skee At