Sang-Seok Yun
From Robot Intelligence
Sang-Seok Yun (윤상석), Ph.D.
Post-DocCenter for Robotics Research
Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Office: L8401
Phone: +82-2-958-6815
Email : email me
Advisor: JongSuk Choi
Research Interests
- Perception for human-robot interaction
- Cognitive control
- ICT fusion
International Journal Articles
- S.-S. Yun, H. Kim, J. Choi, and S.-K. Park, “A robot-assisted behavioral intervention system for children with autism spectrum disorders,” Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 76, pp. 58– 67, Feb. 2016
- S.-S. Yun, M. Kim, and M.-T. Choi, “Easy Interface and Control of Tele-education Robots,” Int. J. Social Robotics, vol. 5, no 3, pp. 335-343, July 2013
- S.-S. Yun, M.-T. Choi, M. Kim, J.-B. Song, “Intention Reading from a Fuzzy-based Human Engagement Model and Behavioural Features,” Int. J. Adv. Robotic Sy., vol. 9, pp. 1-10, August 56:2012
- S. Yun, B. Jun, D. Kim, J. Kim, S. Lee, M.-T. Choi, M. Kim, Joong-Tae Park, Jae-Bok Song, “Proactive Human Search for the Designated Person with Prior Context Information in an Undiscovered Environments”, J. Intell. Robot. Syst., vol. 67, pp. 79-99. July 2012
Domestic Journal Articles
- 윤상석, 김혁수, 최종석, 박성기, "자폐 범주성 장애 아동의 눈맞춤과 얼굴표정읽기 기능향상을 위한 행동 중재용 로봇 시스템 (A Robotic System with Behavioral Intervention facilitating Eye Contact and Facial Emotion Recognition of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders)," 로봇학회 논문지(Journal of Korea Robotics Society), vol. 10(2), pp. 61-69, June 2015
- 윤상석, 김동환, 최종석, 박성기, 봉귀영, 유희정, "상호작용 로봇을 이용한 자폐 범주성 장애 아동의 중재 치료에 관한 예비연구 (A Pilot Study of Therapeutic Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders by Using Interactive Robots)," 자폐성장애연구(Journal of the Korean Association for Persons with Autism), vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1-17, April 2015
- 윤상석, 김문상, 최문택, 송재복, "인간의 비언어적 행동 특징을 이용한 다중 사용자의 상호작용 의도 분석 (Interaction Intent Analysis of Multiple Persons using Nonverbal Behavior Features)," 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지 (Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems), vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 738-744, August 2013
- 이병기, 최종석, 윤상석, 최문택, 김문상, 김대진, “음성-영상 융합 음원 방향 추정 및 사람 찾기 기술 (Audio-Visual Fusion for Sound Source Localization and Improved Attention)”, 대한기계학회 논문집 A (Transactions of the KSME A), 제35권, 제 7호, pp. 737-743, 2011. 7